Sentinels of Freedom Free Download (v1.3.1a)

5 years ago
Sentinels of Freedom Repack-Games

Repack by: Pirate

Game Size: 6 GB

Game: V v1.3.1a

UPDATED: 17/04/2021

Sentinels of Freedom Free Download

Prepare for a story-driven campaign within the Sentinel Comics universe as you join forces with an ever-growing team of heroes to face a wide variety of villains. What seems like a typical bank heist reveals itself to be just the beginning of a much more sinister plan! Create your hero, gather your team, and save the world in this exciting new turn-based strategy! Build your team select from the many available heroes and unlock more throughout. Full story campaign, Turn-Based game that allows you to move anywhere. Squad dynamics – heroes or villains can work together for more powerful actions. Living Environments – multiple objectives, interactions, and dangers. Choose the character’s backstory, personality, power source, abilities, and costume. Heroes have “stances” that provide boosts to certain stats like extra movement along with powerful sets of abilities and can be fully customized to fit your play style. Creating a superhero identity is more than a costume selection! Choose how your hero uses their abilities, different weapons, attack styles, and special effects; some themes even have different types of units that you can summon. Refine your heroic identity throughout the game-changing everything about how your hero looks, all the way down to your hero’s body type, between any mission.

Sentinels of Freedom Pre-Installed Game

Sync and Vigilance actions add life to the battlefield when characters perform additional actions out of sequence, triggered by special conditions. When a character performs an action, sync actions allow other characters to take part or enhance that action, like a character creating a distraction to remove the target’s Evade defense before an attack lands. Positioning your team to take advantage of these extra actions can be critical to the success of a mission. Vigilance allows an inactive character to react to the active character based on various triggers, such as moving through their line of sight. Each character has a “vigilance zone” around them which sets the chance of the vigilance action happening. These actions can go much further than the standard overwatch with actions like “keep cover” which allows a character to try and find new cover when flanked. Will you be able to rescue the hostages in time? Can you survive the chaos until more defensive actions are taken? The initiative can have a major impact on situations like these. In Sentinels of Freedom, initiative determines the turn order for all characters and events in around. Actions from previous rounds can have a major impact on the initiative.


How To Install

  1. Download The Game
  2. Extract It Using (WinRAR)
  3. Install (All In One Run Times / Direct X)
  4. Run The Game As (Admin)
  5. That’s It (Enjoy 🙂 )


  • OS: Windows 7 /8 /10
  • Processor: Intel Core 2 Duo Processor or better
  • Memory: 4 GB RAM
  • Graphics: 2GB card or better
  • Storage: 6 GB


Sentinels of Freedom Free Download Repack-GamesSentinels of Freedom Free Download Repack-Games
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