Craft The World Free Download (v1.11.002 & ALL DLC)

6 years ago
Craft The World Free Download Torrent Repack-Games

Repack By: PLAZA

Game Size: 511 MB

Game: V 1.11.002

UPDATED: 01/01/2025

Craft The World Free Download (v1.11.002 + 9 DLC)

Craft The World is a unique sandbox strategy game, the mix of Dungeon Keeper, Terraria and Dwarf Fortress. Explore a random generated world populated by dangerous creatures, build a dwarf fortress, gather resources, and craft all the items, weapons, and armor you need. You control a tribe of dwarves by giving them commands to dig in certain places, attack enemy creatures, and build houses and other structures. Craft The World Free Download PC Game

Craft The World on Steam

You start the game with one dwarf and gain additional dwarves as your experience level increases. Each game level has many layers of earth to explore, from the sky down to boiling subterranean lava. The level is randomly generated as an island, restricted by natural boundaries: oceans on the edges, lava beneath it, and the sky above. Other features include day and night and changing weather conditions. The worlds differ in size, humidity, temperature, terrain, and flora and fauna. Abandoned halls and rooms with treasure are hidden somewhere deep within the islands.

Additions (DLC):

  • Sisters in Arms (Sisters in arms)
  • Dig with Friends
  • Bosses & Monsters
  • Abandoned Mines
  • Temples of 4 Elements (Temples of 4 Elements)
  • Grottoes
  • Lonely Mountain
  • Heroes
  • Heart of Evil
  1. Download CTW_Fix_Repair_Steam_V6
  2. Copy the content of this crack to your game folder
  3. Start Steam and login with your account
  4. Run the game through the Craft The World shortcut or through CraftWorld.exe , which is located in the game folder
  5. “host needs to reach level 5, improve the main portal and have the “Multiplayer” spell”
    In-game -> Connection : Levels -> Choose your custom game -> Accept an invitation from a friend -> Play!
    Creating a server : Levels -> Choose your custom game -> Use the “Multiplayer” spell on the main portal -> Set up everything as you wish (be sure to tick “Invite a friend”) -> Invite a friend and wait for his connection -> Play!
  6. Play & Enjoy !


  • OS: Windows XP or later
  • Processor: 2.0 GHz Dual Core CPU
  • Memory: 1 GB RAM
  • Graphics: Intel Graphics
  • DirectX: Version 9.0
  • Storage: 200 MB available space


Craft The World Free Download Repack GamesCraft The World Free Download Repack-Games
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